2014 Tertiary Education Scholarship Trust for Ghanaians

Applications are now being invited for the 2014Tertiary Education Scholarship Trust (Test)which is awarded to Ghanaians and aimed aiding the social and economic development of Ghana by enabling bright but needy students to receive Undergraduate Education at Ghanaian public Universities and Polytechnics against their personal pledge to work for the benefit of their communities and their nation upon graduation.

The fundamental philosophy behind the formation of TEST for GHANA is the belief that one of the causes of poverty in developing countries is a lack of education. By enabling bright, yet financially challenged Ghanaians the opportunity to undertake local tertiary education through a programme of means tested scholarships in exchange for a personal bond requiring them to remain within Ghana, graduates are expected to make significant contributions to the social and economic development within their communities and their country.

Worth of Award:

  • TEST for GHANA provides both full and partial scholarships for undergraduate study in a wide spectrum of academic and practical subjects which in the opinion of the local Trustees are best oriented towards the social and economic development needs of their countries and their communities.
  • Awards are biased towards females (60:40) from the poorest regions of the countries, for University education (60:40) where appropriate, and are also available to handicapped students.
  • An award can also be withdrawn if there is reason to believe that the financial circumstance has either changed for the better or was entirely falsified in the first instance.
  • When this happens the student would need to make a refund or serve out the full bond as stipulated in the application form without recourse to any further funding from TEST for Ghana.
  • Those scholars graduating with First Class Honours degrees are invited to apply for the Norman & Ivy Lloyd Scholarship at Linacre College, Oxford University which provides full funding for one year’s Master’s Degree Studies in a subject of their choice.


  • Scholarships are offered to both new and to continuing students, and are reviewed annually against both need and academic performance.
  • Scholarships are also not automatically renewed as each year students need to resubmit a renewal form which will be used for a reassessment, trustees can decide to discontinue an award if they are not satisfied with the conduct or academic performance of a beneficiary.

How to Apply: Completed application forms should be submitted to the student financial aid office of the student’s institution.

Do you have Questions about Applying Email them: [email protected]

Deadline: Application must Reach TEST Ghana Latest May 30, 2014

Click here to Download the Application form:http://testforghana.com/docs/TEST%20for%20Ghana%20%20Application%20form%202014.pdf

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