Study Subject (s): Scholarship is awarded in the field of law.
Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing postgraduate research program at either a New Zealand or an overseas university acceptable to the Selection Committee.
Scholarship Provider: New Zealand Law Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: New Zealand or Abroad
Eligibility: A Scholarship may be awarded to any woman scholar who is:
1. A New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
2.The holder of a New Zealand university law degree (Unless there are exceptional circumstances the award would normally be made to candidates who have gained the qualifying degree within the past five years.)
3. Accepted into a post graduate course in law at either a New Zealand or an overseas university acceptable to the Selection Committee.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Scholarship is open for New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
Scholarship Description: In 1997 the Trustees of the New Zealand Law Foundation determined to mark the centenary of the admission of Ethel Benjamin as the first woman barrister and solicitor. To that end they established this scholarship as a merit based award to outstanding women scholars.
Number of award(s): One or two scholarships may be awarded in any given year. (Extra funds may be made available by the Foundation on the recommendation of the Selection Committee).
Duration of award(s): Prizes are usually awarded for one year.
What does it cover? Scholarship up to $20,000 for study in New Zealand and up to $50,000 for study overseas will be awarded.
Selection Criteria: In selecting the successful candidate(s) the Committee will have regard to (among other things) scholastic ability, the nature of the intended research, its compatibility with the Foundation’s wider objectives and the potential of the applicant to make a significant legal contribution to the New Zealand community in the future.
Notification: The Selection Committee will invite shortlisted candidates for an interview in late April/early May each year. All reasonable expenses will be met by the NZ Law Foundation.
How to Apply: Candidates shall forward their applications to reach the Scholarships Office at the university where they are currently enrolled or from which they graduated, by 1st March in the year for which the scholarship is awarded and in which it will be taken up. Every application must be accompanied by:
a) a certified copy of the applicant’s academic record
b) a statement of the proposed programme of research or advanced study
c) proof of NZ citizenship or permanent residency
d) an example of legal writing (e.g. essays, opinions, legal articles)
e) full particulars of any other bursaries, scholarships, prizes or fellowships which the applicant has applied for or been awarded
f) a budget proposal
g) names and addresses of two referees whom the applicant will organise to provide references direct to the Scholarships Office
h) a statement outlining how the candidate intends to disseminate the final research product
i) a good quality photograph – head and shoulders view.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is 1 March.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
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